It was a pleasure once again to work with the super nice team at Mighty Nice on this kinetic Kmart spot.
The brief was really fun, basically to make things flip; cushions, beds, tableware and other stuff you can by at Kmart. The bed flip is my personal favourite moment. A lot of time and brain cells went into figuring out where in-camera ended and CG took over, and back again!
The animatic we made for the pitch actually changed very little. The agency and client mostly back our vision all the way through. It’s nice when that happens!
Production company: Mighty Nice
Directed by Simon Robson, Sixty40 (Live Action) and Darren Price (CG)
Executive Producer: Jackie Archer
Senior Producer: Tina Braham
Production Coordinator: Diana Angelius
DOP: Simon Higgins
Head of Studio/VFX Supervisor: Jeremy Howdin
Lead CG Artist: Fiona Lu
Director's Assistant: Oscar Torres
Storyboard Artist: Bonnie Forsyth
Modellers: Trent Rogan, Charles Ewart
Trackers: Marcgo Sgubin, Nathan Cox
Animators: Duncan MacLaren, Mike Singca
Lighters: Rebecca Selmes, Trent Rogan
Compositors: Michael Holmes, Marco Sgubin, Nathan Cox
Client: Kmart
Agency: BWM Dentsu, Melbourne